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Oregano – an Aromatic, but Loaded Culinary Herb. Part II: Pesticides and Olive Leaves


Illustration 2: Stereomicroscopic photos (10 x magnification) of: a) crushed oregano (Origanum vulgare L.); b) sample labeled as „oregano“ ((mixture of oregano and olive leaves (Olea europaea L.); c) pieces of olive leaves and d) pieces of rockrose leaves (Cistus sp.).


Illustration 2: Stereomicroscopic photos (10 x magnification) of: a) crushed oregano (Origanum vulgare L.); b) sample labeled as „oregano“ ((mixture of oregano and olive leaves (Olea europaea L.); c) pieces of olive leaves and d) pieces of rockrose leaves (Cistus sp.).


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