eJournal ISSN 2196-3460


»Volume 2016 Issue 04 (November)

Determination of ethyl carbamate in stone fruit spirits, fruit marc spirits and other spirit drinks – A method validation study

Carmen Breitling-Utzmann, Kerstin Zietemann, Simone Goetz, Manuela Hoeger

Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart
Schaflandstraße 3/2
70736 Fellbach, Germany
Email: Carmen.Breitling-Utzmann@cvuas.bwl.de

Ethyl carbamate, EC, spirits, GC-MS, process contaminants


Ethyl carbamate (EC) is a toxic substance which can occur naturally in significant amounts in stone fruit spirits and other spirit drinks. Commission recommendation (EU) 2016/22 states that a target level of 1 mg L-1 EC should be achieved in stone fruit spirits and stone fruit marc spirits. In order to control this target level, a GC-MS method for the determination of EC in spirits was successfully validated in an interlaboratory study to finally become a European standard.


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