Legal Information and Privacy Policy
(Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung)

Owner of domain

Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart
Schaflandstraße 3/ 2


Responsible for content

Responsibility pursuant to press law is held by the Executive Director of the CVUA Stuttgart.


Corporate Design

Maja Lindemann



1&1 IONOS SE, Montabaur, Germany.



Expertise of the CVUA Stuttgart; authors whose names are attached to their reports are responsible for their content.



CVUA Stuttgart. Other photo credits are listed by the respective contributors.



The layout of our website, the graphics used as well as pictures and articles are protected by copyright except where otherwise noted. The protected pages may only be reproduced exclusively for private use without amendment, and no copies may be distributed without our prior consent.


Notice of Liability

Content of online material

The content of this website material is researched with utmost care. Nevertheless, we assume neither liability for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of information that has been previously up- or downloaded onto this website, nor for any damage caused by such data files or data. We reserve the express right to amend, supplement or delete parts or all of the website content, or to temporarily or permanently terminate the publication, without prior notice.



Despite careful checks, we assume no liability for the content of linked websites for which the respective webmasters are solely responsible.


Copyright and Trademark Rights

We aim to observe the copyrights of the graphics, photos and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, photos and texts created by ourselves, and to rely on license free graphics, photos and texts. All brand names and product logos that are mentioned on this website and, if applicable, protected by third parties, are subject, without limitation, to the regulations of each valid trademark and to the property rights of each registered owner. The mere mention of a brand name does not imply that the brand is not protected by third party rights! The copyright for material published and created by the author himself remains solely with the author.


Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be viewed as part of the website from which reference was made to this page. If parts or aspects of the wording of this text do not, no longer, or do not completely correspond to current statutory provisions, the content and validity of the other parts of the document remain unaffected.


Terms of use and Privacy Policies

Advice regarding citations

The publication or forwarding of any information found on this website on third parties must be accompanied by a citation of references. This is also valid for all forms of reproduction, translation, storing and processing in the electronic system. The publication of whole pages of unedited content from this website, as well as its integration into another website, is only permitted with our written approval. The utilization of contact data published in this website such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail addresses by third parties for the purpose of sending information not explicitly requested (spam) is not permitted and will be legally prosecuted.


Privacy Statement

The protection of your privacy while processing your personal data is a very important and serious matter to us. We process personal data obtained by a visit to our website in accordance with the provisions of data protection legislation in Baden-Württemberg and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data given for this purpose include numerous details that could give reference to your person. Our websites could contain links to the websites of other providers, to which this statement on data protection does not apply.


Survey and processing of personal data

For the purpose of system security, when you visit our website it is standard procedure for the web server to save the connection data of the inquiring computer, the websites you visit, the date and duration of the visit, the identification data of the browser, and the web page from which the user visited the provider’s pages. Any further personal data such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address are not registered, unless this information is given voluntarily and actively, e.g. within the scope of a survey.
Your personal data will not be forwarded, sold or otherwise given to third parties, unless this is necessary for the collection of information or because you have given your express approval. This can be necessary, e.g., when we order information brochures, and need to give your address and order data to other institutions. In accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR, this personal data will only be used for the relevant stated purpose.
Communication by e-mail can have security breaches. Your e-mails can be viewed, e.g. by experienced Internet users. Should we receive an e-mail from you, we assume that we are entitled to answer you by e-mail. Otherwise, we must receive express instructions to choose a different form of communication.
In accordance with Article 15 of the GDPR, you have the right of access to your processed personal data. You also have the right to correct, delete, refuse or limit the processing of your personal data. Furthermore, you have the right to data portability, as long as there are no legal restraints.
The authority responsible for dealing with complaints is the Landesbeauftragter für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg.


Social Media

This disclaimer is valid for all Internet presentations made by CVUA Stuttgart, including all offers made via social media.

We utilize a variety of social media offers. Our use of social media serves as an extension of our presence on the Web. Social media account(s) are public and are hosted on third-party web server. Users who choose to interact with us via social media should read the terms of service and privacy policies of these third-party service providers and those of any applications you use to access them especially regarding informations on the purpose and scope of data collection and procession as well as your rights in this respect and settings options for protecting your privacy. We don’t know which data is obtained from these providers, or how it is processed. Nor do we have any influence over this.